Top 3 Recipes for Exercise Recovery

The foods that you eat after your workout are almost as important as the workout itself. By choosing the right foods post workout you can recover quicker and get the results that you are working so hard to achieve.

Now if you are doing an easy workout lasting under an hour then you don’t really need to go nuts with adding too much more to your diet than you are already eating. For example, a 1 hour walk doesn’t require a protein shake and will only add extra calories to your day. However, if you are doing moderate intensity fitness for over an hour or you are doing high intensity exercise then you will find that one of these recipes will assist greatly with recovery.

The key points to remember are:

Include protein for growth and repair. Every time you exercise and use your muscles, you damage the muscles (in a good way) and protein is what stitches them back up

Carbohydrate to refuel,. It doesn’t need to be 10 bowls of pasta, but balancing out a protein hit with some carbohydrates ensures that you replenish your energy stores that have been used up during your session, enabling you to back it up and do a workout again the next day.


Get my all natural and cheap as heck Protein Shake recipe here
Peanut milkshake 300kb

Need to re-fuel on the run? Whip up a batch of Guru Slice

healthy slice protein fitness healthy

Easy to make and portable too, these egg tarts are perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or after a workout

2013-08-12 egg tarts

Stay happy and healthy … x

The Nutrition Guru and the Chef on Facebook

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