Sunflower, Sesame and Almond Bites


I like to have a snack for morning and afternoon tea. If I don’t, come lunch and dinner time I tend to over eat. So I always make sure I have healthy little snacks that will get me through the day with long lasting energy.

Little bites like this have now popped up in every health food store and healthy cafe around, however I’m always mortified at the price charged for such a tiny morsel. Yes, they are often tasty, but I do find that they are way overpriced for what they actually contain. As well as this, they often contain loads of added extra ingredients that sound fancy, sound healthy, but are they really necessary? Macca powder, blue green algae, spirulina and guarana. Often the dose of these added extras contained in the little bites such as guarana is nowhere near the dose required to actually do anything, or have any effect. Some of the bites are available pre packaged in plastic wrap and yes, they contain healthy ingredients but they also contain additives to extend their shelf life.

So to save money, and control what exactly goes into is them I make them each week at home. All you need is a blender, some nuts and some sweetness. It literally takes 1 minute to blitz in the blender and then a couple of minutes to form into balls. Easy.

Better still, I make a double batch and pop some of them in the oven to make biscuits. You will find the recipe at the end of this post.

Makes approx. 12


  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds (you could also simply use cashew or almonds)
  • 1/2 cup sesame seeds
  • 1/2 cup sultanas or dates
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup


  • Blend the almonds until they resemble breadcrumbs
  • Add the rest of the ingredients
  • Blend until combines and mixture starts to come together
  • You will need to remove the lid of the blender and scrape down the sides from time to time to make sure the mixture continues to break down
  • The oils will start to release and make the mixture stick together. Keep blending until it does so.
  • If you find the mixture is still dry or crumbly add 1 extra tablespoon of water at a time and continue to blend until mixture comes together
  • Using a tablespoon, scoop mixture into the palm of your hand and lightly roll into balls
  • Store in an airtight container for up to a week, or the mixture will also freeze well


  • Sultanas contain fibre for a healthy digestive system.
  • Almonds are our heart’s best friend. They are packed full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats which have proven to help lower our cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. They also contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. Vitamin E is particularly high in almonds, which is an important antioxidant to prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation and even enhance the immune system. The protein helps build bone and muscle, repair tissue and help to keep us full.
  • Sunflower kernels are also fabulous sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fibre and Vitamin E and have anti inflammatory effects. Like almonds, sunflower kernels are also high in protein. My favourite nutrient in the world, tryptophan is found in high levels in sunflower kernels and also in the sesame seeds contained in this recipe. This amino acid can help to make us feel happy, as once it enters the body it is converted to the happy hormone serotonin. Perhaps this recipe should be called Happy Bites!


Make a double batch of this mixture and whip up some crunchy biscuits at the same time!


And look! More healthy bites….

Date and Cocoa bites

Date and Cocoa bites

7 thoughts on “Sunflower, Sesame and Almond Bites

  1. Tried to make sunflower balls but they just kept crumbling & wouldn’t seal together into balls. What can Add to make them seal???

    • Hi Olga! It can all depend in the freshness of the seeds. The fresher they are the more oil and water they will have and come together easier. Just simply add a tablespoon at a time of olive oil, almond oil, sunflower oil or any oil of your choice and the mixture should come together! Let me know how you go!

  2. Pingback: Raw Chocolate Mousse Tart | The Nutrition Guru and the Chef

  3. Pingback: Almond Sesame Biscuits | The Nutrition Guru and the Chef

  4. Tried to make these fruit and nut snack balls after finding the recipe in Holistic Bliss. Same result as Olga, just a very dry crumble. Added oil as you suggested, no way this were going to roll into balls. Have now added honey and butter and have it in the oven hoping it will cook as a slice. Bought all the ingredients fresh from Natural Food Store. It like there is an ingredient missing.

    • Hello Chris,

      Thanks for your feedback. I am sorry to hear that they haven’t worked for you. Have had loads of people email in and say they worked fine and were happy with the recipe. I will take a look at it over the weekend. As a slice it sounds lovely!

What do you think?